05 April 2013

Flooded with Grace

I had two bursts of insight tonight, one of them touching closely on my friendship with C________.  I emailed him that the insights had come like "Literal 'bursts' I felt in my body, in my brain, in my thought stream."

Searching Google Images for something to embed in this post I found this:

Photographer:  Karen Hutton,
Check out her website. I like this artist!

Which I strongly encourage you to "click" on to view it best. And then urge you to follow the link in the caption and check out this artist.

After describing each of the bursts to him, (I won't do a full description here; only say that one of them brought a keen awareness of Grace in my life and provoked a profound and total sense of Gratitude, with an intensity I don't remember ever feeling before.) I closed my message to him:
I want to say
  1. Thank you. The grace that suffuses my life manifests also through you: friend, partner, patron, memory-holder. Thank you. You are a blessing unto my life.
  2. Whatever we need to talk about, there is space to talk about it. We can be in Light together. Trusting. Giving and receiving. Breathing. Opening opening always ever leaning to a fearless field beyond...
People are near-frantic with hunger for Light in their lives, desperately searching for a way to become who they're supposed to be, seeking "enlightenment."

And often enough
there is no need to keep searching
Grace is here
you have arrived
This is the place and the time
Whether you believe it or not
True believers would say "God is everywhere. Stop looking for Him."

Found this image at http://tippingsacredcow.com/2012/12/attributes-of-god-omnipresence-2/
and found the article attached to it...uh, thought-provoking.